Green’s Greens
It’s Green’s birthday and he is having a party. Green eats lots of cakes and sweet treats but then starts to feel sick. During this story, Green learns about healthy and unhealthy food, vitamins and minerals, wholegrain food, different dairy products, protein food, oils, and sugary foods.
At the end of the story, Green understands the different food groups and why they are essential. He will try hard to make healthy choices, including saving sweets an treats for special occasions.
The concept of our read-to-me is to support your children in increasing their emotional literacy. Your child will become glued to the short stories with relatable themes. The read-to-me offers an easy-to-follow storyline that enables your child to prepare for real-life scenarios in the future.
The exciting part is that the read-to-me deal with sensitive topics, including child safety and healthy food choices. Relationship building is an essential part of life, and the stories cover this topic too. The read-to-me encourages your child to become responsible and, at the same time, promote the healthy use of technology.
Their ability to tackle sensitive topics carefully and thoughtfully makes our stories exciting. From child safety to promoting healthy food choices, our stories delve into essential subjects that shape a child’s understanding of the world. Moreover, nurturing relationships is a vital aspect of life, and our stories skillfully explore this theme.
Selecting a read-to-me that links to children’s experiences is a great way to help them process feelings and emotions.
For example, if you are taking your child on an outing, you may wish to explore Blue Gets Lost or Purple, the Passenger.
Please support your child to self-regulate, be kind, have positive relationships, and much more as they grow. At RainbowSmart, we are committed to fostering a love for reading while promoting valuable life lessons.